Tuesday, June 14, 2011

79 Vlogging Thick Paint

Many people have asked me how I make my Thick Paint videos so I decided to do a short entry on the process. There isn’t too much mystery although some have inquired how I film as I paint. I hope you enjoy this and I’ll see you again March 2012.

Here are links to the items mentioned in the video. Note that I am using a Mac with OS 10.5.8:

Sony Cyber-shot (I notice they have a 14 mega pixel version available now.)
StudioBoom (be sure to get a stand AND an adapter).
Ott lites
Axiotron Modbook
Dragon Dictate (this link is to the Mac version.)
Sony MP3 recorder

All images and words © Brad Teare 2011


  1. Brad, your StudioBoom link goes to a Blogger dashboard, not http://cameraboomstand.com/.

  2. Thanks Paul. I believe that link has been corrected. I appreciate your help!

  3. Hey Brad, I enjoyed this. Wow, you're quite the high tech gadget man. I'm impressed.

    1. Not really. I learned how to use it all incrementally so I didn't get overwhelmed. I'm actually technophobic.


Thanks for your comments!


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